February Newsletter

West Coast Tionól 2025

Meeting Recap

We had a fantastic club meeting in February, which was quickly overshadowed by an even more incredible tionól! Forst the first time in five years, Seattle hosted the West Coast Tionól on the traditional President's Day weekend. We had an epic turn out, over 40 pipe students and more than 120 concert attendees. Thanks to everyone who came. You can find a dedicated recap page here: West Coast Tionól 2025

If you attended the tionol and haven’t already done so, please. take a moment to fill out our feedback survey to help us improve future workshops. You can find it here: West Coast Tionol Feedback Survey. You can also submit some of your favorite photos from the weekend at the end of the survey.

Walsh Tune Book

The Walsh tune book is officially sold out. I'm not sure if or when we will get more but any announcements will be made here, so keep an eye out. Thanks to everyone who purchased a copy in the last year, you directly helped to fund the tionól!


Tionól T-shirts are available for order in our store. I’ve also added a hoodie! Check em out!

Workshops & Concerts

In other news, Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy 2025 registration is now open. Pipers will need to register by via t the Na Piobairi Uilleann website (pipers.ie). I will be heading over their myself this year, so I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Bandcamp, Bits & Bobs

Joey Abarta, Nathan Gourley, and Owen Marshall have recently released a follow up to the world class album Copley Street, Copley Street 2. Their second album is just as epic as their first and I'm sure we'll all be hearing many of these tunes at our local sessions in no time.

Sometimes people ask me why I send out Bandcamp links to people albums when they are also streaming on platforms like Spotify. Streaming platforms pay extremely little to the artists, fractions of a cent per hundreds of plays. Some, like Spotify, even require the artist to pay to use the service. Bandcamp gives 80-85% of all sales revenue to the artists. As a creative myself, I firmly believe in supporting the artist and not the corporations. I encourage everyone to use Bandcamp whenever ever possible to support all of the incredible talent we have in our community. And if you can make it to a live concert, buy some CD’s! Even if you already have the digital copy.

I’ll leave it on that note, and hope to see you all on March 9th!


January Newsletter